The overriding rules here are have fun, don't spam, no porn and be nice to each other.

1) Can I place links in my signature?* Yes to personal websites, preferably guitar-related
* No to affiliate sites and commercial websites except with permission - please send a PM to Admin if in doubt.
* We reserve the right to remove affiliate or unapproved advertising links without notification
2) Can I advertise my guitars for sale or guitars wanted?* Yes to personal sales - in the Guitars for Sale and Guitars Wanted forums
* And yes to businesses too, for now... (subject to review).
* Dealers welcome, but please identify your self as 'trade' and no adverts for new guitars or gear, only used/rare/unusual/vintage.
* We reserve the right to remove inappropriate advertisements without notification, at our absolute discretion.
3) Can I advertise my business on Guitar Collector Forum?* Yes, to RELEVANT businesses only (e.g. guitar technicians & luthiers)
* Advertising for relevant small businesses is FREE for the time being... (subject to review)
* We reserve the right to remove inappropriate advertisements without notification, at our absolute discretion.
Any questions? Please send a PM to Admin for any more information, banner advertising or other queries...