Red Paul wrote:
There was a nice Breadwinner on US eBay this week - I did bid on it, but didn't win (the timing was wrong for me, so I bid around 3hrs before the end of the auction. Predictably, I was outbid by a very small amount

). Looked like a better deal and better condition than the other one I mentioned. ... 0311312698I'm seriously interested in getting either an Ovation Breadwinner or Deacon.... if anyone knows of one up to around £500 GBP or $850 USD I'd be seriously interested.
I'll put a thread in the "guitars wanted" forum.
Paul-- the guitar above is a rather rare version of the Breadwinner-- check the contour along the top edge of the body-- it's not present on regular Breadwinners or Deacons. It's called a "Breadwinner Limited."
I bought an early '70's Breadwinner a long long time ago, c. 1979 or '80, and it was my main axe through the '80's:

I still have it.
Congrats on your scoring that Deacon from that bloke in Scotland. For more info on Breadwinners/Deacons: