Hi. Not quite sure where to post this but as Peter
made some pretty wacky basses for John, I guess
I'll put it here.
Peter Cook, is perhaps most famous for building Custom
Basses for John Entwistle and his work on Pete
Townshend's guitars but Peter's Story goes back further.
As a fan of Custom Builders, I have always been facinated
by the instruments they made and one of the earlier builders
of "something a bit different", was Peter Cook.
After several requests, Peter agreed to meet up and discuss
his early life in the music business - as a guitarist in
The Tomcats and how he got into building guitars, through
to his work with John, Gibson, Mighty Mite, Simms Watts
and several other players and manufacturers.
http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.com/2010/12/peter-cook-guitar-builder-and-musician.htmlClick on the link above for the first part in a facinating
story, told by Peter, himself.
This documents his early days in the music business, when
he played as a pro musician, long before he took a chisel to wood.
Hope you enjoy it, there will be more to follow, with several
references to John's basses and how they came about.
A very interesting man to talk to.