I spotted this unusual Mac McCormic custom guitar being offered for sale by Greg at
http://www.gregsguitars.net/ (Greg is also a member of the forum here.)
Looks like a heavy chunk of mahogany and very much an 80's style!
Not sure how much Greg is asking for this one-of-a-kind custom guitar and I wouldn't know where to start in terms of valuation! I'm sure Greg would be very happy to discuss if you're interested... just tell him Paul from Guitar Collector Forum sent you

MacMcCormick_guitar_1988.jpeg [ 114.58 KiB | Viewed 2927 times ]
Here's Greg's write-up...
Where to even begin with this custom made guitar from an extremely talented but now deceased luthier, Mac McCormick.
Mac worked in various shops and states finally settling down in Birmingham Alabama. This guitar made in 1988 by Mac is a departure from his acoustic and archtop custom guitars that he was known for.
An original concept guitar that displays all the attributes from the heydays of the 1980 big hair pointy guitar days we all know and remember. Extremely comfortable in both standing position strapped on or seated due to the very nicely done carved body, notice even the detail at the heel joints for ease in fretting. Stratocaster® styled electronics and pickup configuration of 5 way switch and three single coil pickups with the Kahler locking dive bomber tremelo and tremelo arm with fine tuning adjustments that were popular in the day as well as locking string tree. The fretboard has unique mother of pearl inlays. Sporting a beautifully sculpted flamed neck that any custom shop guitar would be jealous of.
The body appears to be constructed from a one piece mahogany slab weighing in at just under 8 lbs. Readings from the pups being N-6.0,M-5.8 and B-5.94 with a scale of 24 and 3/4 with 22 medium frets
.The tribal graphics and custom paint was done by a Mr. John Watts who if memory serves me right was a budding tattoo artist who has since set up shop on the west coast.Complete with a custom made case and engraved neckplate stating build date, builder and painter as well as the location the guitar was made. Bridge pickup was replaced (still in the case) at some point.