Hello all, firstly sorry I've been so inactive on the forum lately... it's been good to see that you've carried on without me.
One reason for my absence is that I've been working hard on a new guitar teaching and practice aid called the
Power Chord Trainer. THere's a lot of work for such a simple gadget, not only taking the simple concept through prototypes, design, toolong and production, but also and its patent, instruction leaflet, website, press releases etc..
Now I know some people don't approve of such things, but my aim is simply to encourage young guitarists through their early struggles, to get them to play real music and develop a love for playing that makes them stick at it and progress past the initial hand contortions and painful strum/buzz/twang/drop-pick stage! Power Chord Trainer is a simple flexible device that helps young guitarists master the finger positions for playing power chords... something that is easy for us old hands, but think back to your first weeks and months of learning - everything seems difficult then! Think of it as training wheels for the left hand.

Power chords are an easy way to get beginners to learn the concept of moveable chords, as a first step towards barre chords as well as a using power chords in their own right.

Check out the website, which includes a basic guide on how to
play power chords and a few
power chord faqs and tips... So, if you're a guitar teacher or if you've got any children, grandchildren, nephews or neices who are just starting out on their road to rock stardom, maybe consider one as a Christmas present! You can buy direct from the website and we deliver worldwide.
http://powerchordtrainer.comIf any social networkers amongst you could help me out by using "Share" button on the website to publicise it on Twitter, Facebook, Digg etc., I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
All the best,
PS: Got a music shop? Distributer? Trade enquiries welcome!