Red Paul wrote:
Hi Brian, nice to hear from you again... and good to see some basses for a change; the forum's a bit lacking in the bass department.
I like the first two... the natural blonde Peavey is classy, and the Thunderbird is just cool!

If teh most you paid was $275, you've got some real bargains there - where do you find them? Guitar stores, eBay, Pawn shops? Or personal contacts?
Any tips for photographing guitars like that? I've been meaning to do some consistant photos of my modest collection, but never got around to it.
The blonde T-40 was found on craigslist (a national-scope classified ads website with town-by-town or area listings, here in the States) w/hsc, late last year. It was a little more than I wanted to pay (being a cheapskate and all), but I hadn't seen a T-40 up locally in a coon's age, so I went for it.
The T-bird I got for a Benjamin even (Yank-speak for $100 USD), also a craigslist purchase, in May of last year. It has one nasty ding on the back edge of a lower corner, but otherwise is fine, if a bit neck-heavy. Prior to the T-40 and Thunderbird, in January of last year, I picked up the black Peavey Fury. It was in one of a couple pawn shops I regularly check out, and was $125 (it was tagged at a bit more, but both my two fave pawns know me and immediately knock down to their "best price" without haggling for me).
Aside from an old '80's Hondo Explorer bass (stolen in the early '90's) I bought in the mid-'80's, the Jazz and P-bass were my only 2 basses up until 2009. Bought both through friends locally. The P-bass was another hundred-buck (had a chipboard case) bought around 1990 or so, and the Jazz I bought in the mid-90's w/ohsc for $250.
As far as photographing goes, I just slap 'em down on the kitchen floor, turn every light in the place on, and use flash. Sometimes I will brighten the pics a bit with a photo editing program, but that's about it.