Red Paul wrote:
Beautiful basses Eric, thanks for sharing.
My favorite from the aesthetic point of view is the one in the middle of your first picture.
Do they vary much regarding feel & tone?
I have written quite a lot about the Peavey T series, on another forum I visit, so I could
copy it over to here, if anyone is interested.
In a nutshell, they are a bit of a sleeper - most people in the UK haven't seen one and
very few have played one, in comparison to the likes of Fender, etc.
Both the T-40 and the T-60 are very fine instruments, in my opinion.
Almost all instruments are now made using computers - CNC - Hartley Peavey and Chip Todd
were the very first. On top of that, they used some very clever wiring, which means that
all sorts of sounds and tones can be got from them.
I have lent some of mine to various players and all have been impressed.
In answer to your question - Yes, they all have their own character - the Toaster pups are
more mellow than the Blades.
Almost all my gigs in 2008 were with T-40's and last year I gigged a Natural, the Red one
and the "Tanburst".
Not played one live, for a while, so it's time to frighten our guitarist again.

Perhaps with this one.