Hey cool, thanks for putting this topic up for me

I guess I might as well post some pictures of the guitar as it stands now to give everyone something to look at. The guitar-squeemish might want to look away right now as this might cause some a little emotional pain
Here's the full shot

Logo inlay fully intact. She's been redrilled a couple times for different tuners over the years, but everyone's got their scars right?

What's this, a Gibson without a broken headstock in it's entire 50 years?

Close-up of the fretboard, the frets are in INCREDIBLE shape, perfectly straight, level, and smooth all the way down. Neither I or the seller can tell if they're original, if not than whoever did the refret deserves a giant pat on the back, leaving the binding nibs intact on these things is not an easy task.

And last but not least the perfectly original, un-modified control cavity which seems to be pretty rare

And here are my two favorite ideas for the guitar. They're done on an sg but you get the idea.

Those are my top two at the moment, I was also thinking a nice honey burst or a Gibson styled sunburst from yellow to red.
Let me know what you all think, ideas, inspiration, how badly you want to castrate whoever stripped this thing

I'll update this at every step of progress.